October 4

Fictober, Prompt 4 – “Fine, I give up.”

Original fiction.

Warnings: implied battle, vague injury descriptions.

Gasping, I fell, my left knee giving out at last. Only my sword, sunk into the earth, kept me partially upright.

Although there was no possible way the gods looked on me in favor, I had no other explanation for why I was still alive at all, truthfully. My ki was too low to manage any more spells, and I was no warrior, was not trained to the sword, not the way those who had pursued us for so long were.

Not the way she was.

I knelt, and panted for air through burning lungs, and stared up at her through one eye that was beginning to swell shut, the other stinging with the sweat and blood dripping down my face. Her eyes, dark, intense, met mine and held.

A strange moment of hush descended around us, even as fire crackled in the distance, mingling with the shouts of those still fighting.

Her face under her horned helmet was unreadable as usual, but there was no anger in her eyes, no hatred, no contempt. None of the emotions that should have been there. I had betrayed her, betrayed my promise. That I hadn’t had any other choice was irrelevant. She would tolerate no such breach of honor.

That she held herself to even higher standards was the only reason that I did not hate her for her part in this pursuit.

But I knelt still, only not at her feet for the short distance still between us, and still she stared, making no move to finish me off.

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And Top 100 for The Wizard of Suomen

And The Wizard of Suomen just barely made the Top 100 in military fantasy. Thanks to everyone who has given it a try! It’s on sale for a little bit longer, until 2am CST/12am PST.


Even if it’s #97, that still feels good. 🙂

SALE: The Wizard of Suomen

The Wizard of Suomen eBook is on sale for $0.99 (reg. $2.99). Only three more days!

Elof arrives at the border war hoping that rumor has exaggerated the trouble he is walking into. To his dismay, the rumors are true: the conflict is a bad one, and his new commanding officer is a magic-user just like their enemies. Despite the difficulties, Elof and his comrades are holding their own when disaster strikes: the King agrees to negotiate with their magic-wielding invaders. Now Elof must decide if he can trust the King’s own wizard, and put everything on the line to prove the enemy’s treachery and defend his country. Come find out which way the Winds will blow…

New Release: The Witch

The Witch is now available on Amazon!

Luule is born with a speck of blue in her gray eyes, the vivid blue of magic. But magic is feared, and those who wield it shunned. Luule grows up fighting for acceptance in her village, her only encouragement that given by her loving mother. When her mother dies, Luule is left truly alone. Struggling to endure harsh winters, she works harder than ever…until a foreign army invades. With magic-wielding enemies bearing down on them, Luule must make hard decisions quickly not only to survive, but for the chance of winning a better life for herself. Come find out which way the Winds will blow…

(A short story in the Land of Winds series.)

In honor of print copies being available…

…it makes sense to run a sale on the ebook, right? XD

Countdown Deal on The Wizard of Suomen starting today at $0.99. Or, if you prefer to read a physical book, those are $12.99.

I hope you enjoy it!


Quick Update

While I don’t post as often as I’d like to anyway, I’m going to be especially busy for the next couple of months (mostly with fun things, fortunately!), so posts may be even leaner than usual. But I’ll still try and get in a couple of reviews and some writing updates.

Things are getting nice and green outside, though, and it is finally spring! It’s nice to listen to the birds and the frogs calling while I work on things.

I will say that print copies of The Wizard of Suomen will be available soon! The ebook is $2.99 on Amazon, if you are looking for a good sword-and-sorcery.



For anyone who has downloaded The Wizard of Suomen over the last few days, you helped make this happen:


Thank you! It feels really good to hit the Top 100 lists, even in the Free rankings.


For anyone who hasn’t grabbed it yet, it’s still free until 11:59 PST on Wednesday, April 4, so it’s not too late!