
A good reminder that sometimes stepping back and approaching a problem with fresh eyes is the easiest way to get it solved: a minor formatting issue with The Wizard of Suomen ebook back in October that I could not figure out only took a few minutes to solve today!

Pro tip: if you want your epub file to clear with no epubcheck errors, make sure you have the ” https:// ” bit in front of any web links you might have in your html file. Simple, but easy to overlook, as it turns out. -_-

I’m just double-checking a few things prior to promos for both the book and the short story, coming next week!


Happy October!

October has started out chilly and rainy for me, but that has made it a perfect day to curl up in my living room with my Halloween decorations up, the Green Dragon on the TV, and work on prep for the upcoming local author fair and formatting for The Witch.

I’m pleased to say that I’ll be able to do a cover reveal and announce a release date for The Witch (a prequel short story to The Wizard of Suomen) in the next couple of days! Stay tuned. 🙂


Update: The Witch

Progress on this short story prequel to The Wizard of Suomen: my cover designer has begun work on the cover, and I have gotten feedback from my beta readers and my editor, so I can get to work on the next round of editing. A few steps closer!

I can’t give it a specific release date just yet, but I’m hoping it will be soon.


Progress – The Witch

All right, I have officially sent a completed draft of Luule Ehari’s backstory, The Witch, off to my first beta readers! It’s a short story (just shy of 8,000 words), so I’m hoping that the editing process won’t take too long. There may be a bit of a delay in getting cover art together, but with luck I’ll have it out in the next few months!

If you have not met Luule and discovered how awesome she is yet, check out The Wizard of Suomen. 😉 I’m glad she decided to give me more of her story! I’ll put up a snippet once I get it back from my betas.

Next on the list is to finish up Alexei’s backstory!


Mother’s Day

Before today is quite over, I do want to wish my mother a Happy Mother’s Day one more time! She has given me so much support for my writing; not just encouragement, but also her own considerable English skills, as she read several drafts of The Wizard of Suomen to find problems for me. It is definitely a better story because of her help.

So, Happy Mother’s Day, and thank you so much for your help, Mom. ❤

TWoS Final Draft

Draft 6 of The Wizard of Suomen was finished on August 10, 2017, at 12:46am. 158,005 words.

The seventh and final draft was finished at 12:45am on December 3, 2017, with 157,934 words. At the size and type of font I was using at the time, that was 374 pages in Word.

Happy New Year! Further updates shortly!


Draft 4 done!

Drafts three and four of The Wizard of Suomen are finished!

Draft three was a line-edit on paper, because it’s easier for me to catch some mistakes that way. I got that done and the edits transferred back to my electronic copy at 12:31AM on February 7, 2016, with the story at 157,594 words, 329 pages in Word.

I finished the fourth draft two nights ago, at 11:00PM on July 26, 2016. As of now, the story stands at 157,228 words, 328 pages in Word.

And, as of Wednesday, I have sent it to my editor! I will be working with Gina Hilse of Facets Fiction Editing. I won’t be doing any further work on it until I get her feedback. Undoubtedly there is still a lot of room for improvement, but I’m looking forward to putting the best possible version of this story out there as a finished product!

In the meantime, I’m going to do some planning on bigger projects, and hopefully get some other short things written (though given my current pace, I make no specific promises. >.>)


The Long-Overdue Update

Last August, my grandfather passed away. He had been ill with cancer for some months, but had not told anyone about it, and so by the time it became bad enough that he had to go to the hospital, he had very little time left. He was not in too much pain, and did not suffer for long, which I am very grateful for. He was my last remaining grandparent, and the one that I had been closest to; I was fortunate enough to live with him for six months following my undergrad graduation, doing an internship in the town where he lived. His loss has been very difficult for me, and even now I still struggle with it at times. For a few months immediately afterwards, I did not really feel much like writing or even editing, which is partly why it took me so long to get back to work on TWoS.

On a more positive front, I had more hours at work during the second half of last year, and as of the beginning of 2016, am full-time and even got a small raise. Since I really love my job, this is very exciting! It also allowed me to finally get my own place again (I had been staying with family since the beginning of 2014), but the moving/unpacking process then took up much of November and December, and some time in January. In addition to my full 40-hour week, this hasn’t always left me with a lot of time to write.

So, I have not been nearly as active with my writing over the past several months as I would have liked. I have at least been working on the latest edit of TWoS for the past couple months, which will be the last one before I send it to my editor. Once I have a final draft that I am satisfied with, I’ll be looking more into the self-publishing process (which I’ve put off because I didn’t want to let that research distract me from actually getting the story written!). Depending on how that process goes, and my time/money situation, I would like to have TWoS officially published sometime before the end of 2016.

I do have one more short story in my im/mortal series written, and another in the works. Some other snippets may be forthcoming as well, and I am going to start some planning and drafting of my next larger project once I’m a bit more settled on the TWoS draft.

Thank you again to anyone who has given me support or enjoyed my writing thus far, and know that more is coming. Hopefully soon!
