Local Author Fair

Exciting announcement #2: I’ve been accepted to be part of the Local Author Fair hosted by my library!

This will be in a couple of weeks (eep), and I’m working hard to get everything ready in time. I’m looking forward to meeting some other authors in my area too! Might even sell a couple of books while I’m at it. 🙂

Those are the exciting updates for now, but I hope to have more in the near future.


April Snow Day

While I will admit that I thought it might be nice to get snowed in once this year, I was thinking something like late January or early February rather than…mid-April. Midwest weather being what it is, however, we don’t really get to pick the timing of our blizzards.

So, I spent a nice day inside, watching the snow pile up on my balcony and watching more of Dragons: Defenders of Berk. I’ve really been enjoying all of the How To Train Your Dragon spin-off TV episodes, and will probably write something up about them later. It would have been hard to go wrong with another 100+ episodes of Toothless, of course, but they’ve been genuinely enjoyable apart from that.

And of course, a snowed-in evening is a great time to get some more writing done! More Land of Winds stories in the pipeline, and I should be starting Book 2 soon (I do at least have a rough outline done, and have been letting that stew for a bit).

I’ll probably be mostly snowed in tomorrow too, so hopefully I can make some good progress. 🙂
